Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bands are very important - at least the ASU band is

I was most pleased to see that goasu.com is telling us that a scant 80 members of North Carolina's Band of Distinction will be representing us at LSU.

I have often made comments to my friends that a mere 50, or 40, or 30, or 20 of our band members could and would outplay a competitors' entire band. I could not be more pleased to know that we will have the Marching Mountaineers with us in Baton Rouge!

Back in the day (that would be the 1979-1980 season) when beasley and brown ruled the turf, i was, for one season only, a lowly member of the band - we're talking 3rd trumpet. Back then us freshman had to learn the BAND CHEER or we were threatened with a toss in the duck pond. Now I sit behind the band at THE ROCK and I'm saddened to say that I have yet to hear "its skidely, ooten booten...".

1 comment:

Joan said...

Don't you love sitting above the band? I do. I am glad some are going.